Archive for 2010

>Manifesting your own reality

Posted by Jessica Jewett 2 Comments »

>The Law of Attraction is a practice of manifesting thought energy and intentions into real, tangible results that make your life and the lives of those around you better. Everybody knows about The Secret, which is an overly commercialized version of it that has become a fad, but the principles of manifesting your own reality have been in existence for eons in many different cultures.

It’s not as simple as saying, “I want ____,” and those things drop out of the sky for you. Manifesting your own reality takes serious discipline in reprogramming the way you think, how much effort you put into creating your reality, and doing the daily exercises to reach a heightened level of awareness of your thoughts and actions. Most people aren’t even aware that they sabotage themselves throughout the day with negativity. The biggest obstacle is the process of removing all negativity from your thought processes. Why?

The basic underlying principle to everything in manifesting your own reality is that thoughts are intentions, real things, pieces of your energy, and have power. The energy that you put out into the universe is what comes back to you. Putting out negativity brings negativity back to you. Putting out positivity brings positivity back to you.

In order to reprogram the way you think, you’ve first got to examine the very nature of your thoughts. There are various exercises to really look at yourself such as writing your thoughts – honest, real thoughts – in a journal and then counting up how many negative words you use vs how many positive words you use. Negative words are ones such as: can’t, won’t, don’t, hurt, pain, sad, unhappy, depressed, etc. Positive words affirm your ability to leave a mark on the world that is good and helpful to yourself and others. When you eliminate negative words from your vocabulary, you lessen the unintentional or intentional chances of sabotaging yourself with bad energy brought into your life.

Sometimes we think we’re helping ourselves but the words we chose have hidden darkness in them. For example, I once saw a person trying to use positive affirmations in her day to day life and one of them was, “I don’t want to hate myself anymore.” At first glance, that looks good. However, the words “don’t” and “hate” have negativity attached to them. A truer form of a positive affirmation of that nature would be, “I love myself more every day.” That is truly positive. At first, you may not believe the things you tell yourself each day but the important thing is to get into the discipline of reprogramming the way you think. In time, you will begin to live and breathe positive thinking, as well as knowing you can take action to make your dreams come true. You see, it’s not enough to simply say, “I want ____.” In addition to manifesting those needs through meditation and visualization exercises, you must also take daily action toward helping yourself along. The universe will not reward you without result.

A good exercise to get yourself started is to write down your intentions for the week or the month (your choice). Then you write three steps you can take toward making that intention a reality. Here is an example.

State the intent:
I will be hired in a satisfying job.

Think of three actions to help it along:
I will search online for jobs.
I will consider new career routes.
I will seek advice from friends who are satisfied in their jobs.

Another thing you can do to help focus your energy in a positive direction is to create a vision board, which is a collection of images that represent your goals. It helps the mind during meditation to have something visual to focus on and when you place copies of the images throughout your house or your office, the visual reminders will keep you focused throughout your day. Many people put their vision boards on their refrigerators and use them as desktop backgrounds on their computers among other places. The images you choose can be literal representations of your goals or they can be metaphoric and speak to things that only make sense to you.

Here is my current vision board.

Some of the images on my vision board are literal things I would like to acquire, such as money or the King Charles Cavalier puppy. Other images are metaphoric, such as the ocean waves representing my desire to get over my fear of water or the picture of me with people representing my desire to stay close to friends or Scarlett and Rhett representing my desire for a little romance in my life. Some pictures can be misleading, like the one of Jon Knight might make one think I want him but in reality, he is the symbol of fun and independence in my life, just as the images of the meditating figure and the rosary are symbols of being grounded in my spirituality.

What images can you think of for your own vision boards?
What positive affirmations can you use to improve yourself?
What ways can you alter your thoughts to eliminate negativity?

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>On the wings of the angel of death

Posted by Jessica Jewett No Comments »


One of the most common questions I get asked is why a person is having dreams about their own death or the death of a loved one. Most people take such dreams quite literally because they can be so frightening and the fear blocks any further insight into the symbolism of such dreams.

If you have death dreams, put your mind at ease, because they very rarely mean impending doom and death in literal terms. As with nearly all dreams, the literal images are symbols of the self and the way the self sees the world. In the majority of cases, death dreams represent the ending of a phase in one’s life so that another phase of life can begin. Death is the ultimate finality, and therefore represents the final stages of a life event. For example, it can signal a person’s subconscious belief that a marriage or a career is coming to an end. It can also represent various other endings such as the realization that one’s core belief system is radically changing or the nature of a friendship is coming to an end or betrayal within the relationship is coming to light.

Another element in death dreams involves witnessing the death or the funeral of a loved one who has not actually died yet. These can be amongst the most frightening dreams for people because they can suggest some sort of impending death. Rarely is this true. Dreams of impending death are much rarer than people might think. So what do such dreams imply? The question must become what of the dead person in the dream reflects aspects of yourself? One website says:

For example, if you dream of your mother dying could it represent the ‘death’ of the motherly side of your own nature. Perhaps you should try to be more caring and maternal or perhaps plans you have should be nurtured rather than killed off. Alternatively, you may also be expressing your hidden feelings about the person shown. Do you have a secret resentment towards them or desire to be independent of them? Dead animals may also represent aspects of yourself. They indicate that you may be rejecting or repressing your instinctive side.

Almost all dreams of other people whether they are about death or life are representations of aspects of ourselves. The most important thing is to ask yourself what the strongest emotion was in the dream you experienced, whether it was anger, love, hate, etc. Then you must be able to examine your inner self and your life to discover the hidden causes of such strong emotions. The root causes of those emotions, those aspects of your life, are likely what are coming to an end. All of these things are for the betterment of your soul and frightening experiences in the dream state can be tools to improve the quality of your life. Above all, if the dream of a loved one dying frightens you, view it as a reminder from the universe that you need to tell your loved ones how much you appreciate and value their positions in your life.

Sometimes, however, death dreams come in the form of communications from loved ones who have already died. After death communication should not be viewed as frightening or unnatural in the slightest. It is believed by some that such dreams are a natural part of the grieving process and have no real paranormal significance. Others believe that such dreams are literal visitations from loved ones in the afterlife. In either event, there is no need to fear these things. They are helpful to heal our souls from loneliness, anguish, fear and pain.

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>Dressgasm of the Day: 1860s burgundy mantle

Posted by Jessica Jewett No Comments »


Since winter is approaching, I thought I would discuss a piece of winter clothing from the 1860s. Most people believe men just had their long duster jackets and women had their long, romantic-looking cloaks made of unfortunately boring material. That isn’t true at all. Women had a great many different style choices for winter attire, ranging from short little shoulder wraps, to mid-length mantles with or without sleeves, to cloaks, to full-length coats with sleeves as we know them today. Of course, there was also the classic shawl that was used year-round in different types of fabrics for lightness in the hot months and heaviness in the winter months.

This particular cloak is gorgeous not only in its colors of burgundy and pink but also in its scrollwork detail. I don’t know very much about this mantle but it appears to be made of either wool or possibly some type of velvet. It’s more likely to be wool or a wool blend, however. The sleeves are bell-shaped, which are called pagoda sleeves, and the mantle fastens down the front with either hooks and eyes or frogs dyed pink to match the pink decorative detail. I cannot discern exactly what the pink detailing is made of but it might be silk embroidery or silk pieces sewn to the mantle. Most of the time, the details were made of silk if they were done that intricately.

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