Nearly every psychic, intuitive or medium I know keeps a journal. Some of us were told to do so by our teachers and mentors, while some of us picked up the habit naturally. It’s my experience that it’s very important to keep journals but it’s even more important to be diligent about doing it on a daily basis. Sporadic journaling is not going to help you understand the nature of your specific intuitive talents because, as many of you know, we all have different strengths and weaknesses in this field.
The process of keeping a journal for developing intuitive skills is not the same as keeping a regular journal that records your daily events. An intuitive journal is designed to keep track of your impressions and feelings about anything and everything. There is no possible way to remember every intuitive impression. I do a reading for someone and forget it immediately afterward because it’s not good to hold onto all of that energy. Trying to remember every impression you have causes an accumulation of energy that can and will begin to have a negative effect on your mind, body and soul. The process of writing it down allows you to properly channel the energy, record it, and release it to the universe so it doesn’t clog up your personal system. Seeing your impressions written out on the page also facilitates your ability think it through on a deeper level. Think back to being in school when you took notes, copied text, wrote papers, etc., to engage your brain in critical thought and a better understanding of what you’ve learned. It’s a similar process with taking the time to write down your intuitive impressions as well.
Practicality comes into keeping the journal in that you have a tangible piece of documentation at your disposal. It is an exercise in proper documentation by learning to keep track of your impressions as well as the exact date, time, environmental conditions, circumstances, etc., that were present at the time your impression came. It may be days, weeks, months or years before a particular impression is proven accurate and there may be a connection between what you felt and the conditions of your environment at the time. This is especially important when it comes to encounters with spirits. There may be patterns in environmental conditions when it happens that should be recorded, otherwise you might miss those patterns because you’re not seeing them on paper. When it comes to recording dreams, it’s important to describe your emotional and mental condition at the time of the dream in order to establish patterns there as well. Emotional and mental issues have a huge impact on the type and quality of dreams you experience.
Getting into the habit of keeping a regular journal isn’t easy. Don’t get discouraged if you forget to do it or if you simply procrastinate too often at first. In all things with this field, it’s important not to put too much pressure on yourself. This work should not feel like a terrible strain but it will be a bit tough to establish regular habits at first. Eventually, it should feel like second nature. Practice for a few months and see if it gets easier, which I think it will.
Here’s an example of how to record your impressions if you are highly organized like me.
Type of Experience: [Dream, General Feeling, Future Event, Spirit Communication, etc.]
Detailed Account of Experience: [This should be a highly detailed account of what you experienced from start to finish, whether it’s a paragraph or pages.]
Mood: [Your mood at the time of the experience.]
Weather: [Temperature, rain, snow, sun, etc.]
Others Present: [Names of people who might have been present at the time and their relationships to you and possibly a spirit if applicable.]
Of course, you can customize it to your own tastes or simply keep it as a stream of consciousness journal. I’m merely showing you how I do it.
Happy journaling!
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