Archive for April, 2016

Quarterly Goals: Spring

Quarterly Goals: Spring
Posted by Jessica Jewett No Comments »

Jessica JewettI don’t believe in New Year’s Resolutions but I do believe in dividing the year into quarters and setting attainable goals for each period. It helps the year become more productive for me. Usually people who divide the year this way create between ten and twenty goals. They can be anything you hope to accomplish in a three month period from tiny to large. This is especially helpful when you have chronic conditions that affect your short-term memory like I do. Writing things down and keeping lists is rather comforting for me, like an extra support system.

I forgot to post a blog with my winter quarter goals, however, so we’re going to start fresh with spring goals. At the end of the spring quarter, we’ll come back and see how many I succeeded at and which ones need to carry over into the summer quarter.

Quarterly Goals for Spring (April – June)

  1. Finish editing From the Darkness Risen: Book II
  2. Review the Kindle creation process
  3. Set publication date and open book pre-order
  4. Begin first draft of From the Darkness Risen: Book III
  5. Pay down $200 extra on credit card
  6. Create stock for Etsy store
  7. Open Etsy store
  8. Buy fabric to alter Mega Coven cosplay
  9. Get new publicity pictures taken
  10. Begin website redesign plans
  11. Plant moonflower seeds
  12. Cleanse and move altar
  13. Work on family grimoire
  14. Do more readings
  15. Review four more books
  16. Adopt better meal planning skills
  17. Learn and make three new recipes
  18. Get wheelchair repaired
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